Filter: mbp_placeholder_variables

The mbp_placeholder_variables filter can be used to alter or add variables to be replaced with their corresponding value in a GMB post. It has two arguments, $variables and $parent_post_id.


Add a variable

This will replace %custom_variable% with Custom value in the text of your post
function add_custom_variable($variables, $parent_post_id){
	$variables['%custom_variable%'] = 'Custom value';
	return $variables;
add_filter('mbp_placeholder_variables', 'add_custom_variable', 10, 2);

Add a field from ACF

The filter can be used to get custom fields from the Advanced Custom Fields plugin
function add_custom_variable($variables, $parent_post_id){
	//Return early if the get_field() function from ACF doesnt exist (e.g. when the plugin is deactivated)
	if(!function_exists('get_field')){ return $variables; }
	$variables['%my_acf_field%'] = (string)get_field('field_name', $parent_post_id);
	return $variables;
add_filter('mbp_placeholder_variables', 'add_custom_variable', 10, 2);

Remove a variable

Removes the %post_permalink% variable so it will no longer be replaced
function remove_variable($variables){
	return $variables;
add_filter('mbp_placeholder_variables', 'remove_variable');
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